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    Next Generation Network NGN

    Post time: Aug-05-2024

    NGN puts forward the concept of layering and opening, and uses IP network and softswitch technology to transform telecom network from technology-driven to business-driven.

    As with any new thing, many key issues of NGN from signaling system to architecture are still being explored. The experts pointed out a bunch of diseases waiting for good doctors to diagnose and treat - network security, QoS of the bearer network, network interconnection, service development, network management, compatibility, etc.

    What is the relationship between NGN and IP? As we mentioned earlier, the key technology of NGN is softswitch, which is a separation of call and bearer, and softswitch is mainly carried by IP network. In this sense, the development and growth of IP technology not only promotes the development of softswitch technology, but also spawns the development of NGN.

    Based on the NGN network architecture, traditional voice and multimedia services can be carried over IP networks, and service development and deployment will become very convenient. Major telecom operators around the world have limited the expansion of their traditional voice networks and have instead built NGN networks.
    However, just as NGN was preparing to make big plans, the development of mobile networks suddenly accelerated, and a new next-gen network architecture for full service operations was born, which is IMS.

    The above is the "Next generation network NGN" brought by HDV Phoelectron Technology LTD. Our company is a specialized optical network equipment as the main production manufacturers, the related network equipment covers OLT series, ONU series, switch series, optical module series and so on, welcome to come to understand.

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