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    • By Admin / 24 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Communication System Model

      In this article I’m going to talk about Communication System Model in details include their 5 parts, (1) Source coding and decoding, (2) Encoding and decoding of channels, (3) Encryption and decryption, (4) Digital modulation and demodulation, (5) Synchronization. Let’s dive deep̷...
      Communication System Model
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    • By Admin / 23 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Classification of Communication Systems

      1. Communication business classification According to different types of communication services, communication systems can be divided into telegraph communication systems, telephone communication systems, data communication systems, and image communication systems. Because the telephone communica...
      Classification of Communication Systems
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    • By Admin / 22 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Random Process of Communication System

      Both signal and noise in communication can be regarded as random processes that vary with time. The random process has the characteristics of a random variable and a time function, and can be described from two different but closely related perspectives: ① the random process is a collection of in...
      Random Process of Communication System
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    • By Admin / 20 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Data Transmission Mode of Communication Mode

      The communication method is the way that the two people talking to each other work together or send messages.  1. Simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex communication For point-to-point communication, according to the direction and time relationship of message transmission, the communication mode c...
      Data Transmission Mode of Communication Mode
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    • By Admin / 19 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      The Best Reception of Digital Signals

      In the digital communication system, the receiver receives sum of the transmitted signal and channel noise. The optimal reception of digital signals based on the “best” criterion with the smallest error probability. The errors considered in this chapter are mainly due to band-limited ...
      The Best Reception of Digital Signals
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    • By Admin / 17 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Composition of a Digital Baseband Signal Transmission System

      Fig. 6-6 is a block diagram of a typical digital baseband signal transmission system. It is mainly composed of a transmission filter (channel signal generator), a channel, a reception filter, and a sampling decider. In order to ensure the reliable and orderly operation o...
      Composition of a Digital Baseband Signal Transmission System
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