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    • By Admin / 08 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      How The Rogue ONU came into being

      The PON system adopts time-division multiplexing technology in the uplink direction, and the ONU sends datagrams to the uplink direction according to the time stamp allocated by the OLT. When an ONU emits light without assigning a time stamp, it will conflict with the emission signals of other on...
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    • By Admin / 05 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Optical module FEC function

      With the development of optical communication systems with longer distance, larger capacity, and higher speed, especially when the single wave rate evolves from 40g to 100g or even super 100g, chromatic dispersion, nonlinear effects, polarization mode dispersion, and other transmission effects in...
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    • By Admin / 04 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Error detection code in the Data Link Layer [Explained]

      Error detection code (parity check code): parity check code consists of n-1 bit information unit and 1 bit check element. The N-1 bit information unit is the valid data in the information we send, and the 1-bit check unit is used for error detection and redundancy code.   Odd check: if the n...
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    • By Admin / 03 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      OSI-Data Link Layer-Error Control [Explained]

      Hello, Readers. In this article I’m going to discuss on OSI-Data Link Layer Error Control with explanation. Let’s start… For understanding the transmission of the data link layer let’s take an example, if the A device needs to communicate with the B device, a communication link ...
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    • By Admin / 02 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Error Control in Data Communication System

      Hello Readers, In this article we're going to learn what is Error Control and error control classification.  In the process of data transmission, due to the influence of noise on the channel, the signal waveform may be distorted when it is transmitted to the receiver, re...
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    • By Admin / 01 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      OSI-Data Link Layer-Frame Synchronization Function

      In a digital time division multiplexing communication system, in order to correctly separate the time slot signals, the sending end must provide the start mark of each frame, and the process of detecting and obtaining this mark at the receiving end is called frame synchr...
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