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    • By Admin / 29 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Characteristics of OSI Physical Layer

      The physical layer is at the bottom of the OSI model, and its main function is to use the physical transmission medium to provide a physical connection for the data link layer to transmit bit streams. The physical layer defines how the cable is connected to the network c...
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    • By Admin / 28 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Electrical Port Module and Optical Port Module Differences

      Many people are not very clear about electrical port modules, or they are often confused with optical modules, and they cannot choose electrical port modules correctly to meet the mutual benefit of transmission distance requirements and cost optimization. So, In this art...
      Electrical Port Module and Optical Port Module Differences
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    • By Admin / 27 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      What is IPTV? What is IPTV Features and Benefits?

      In this article we will know what is IPTV it's features and it's benefits.  IPTV is interactive network television, which is a brand-new technology that utilizes broadband cable TV network and integrates various technologies such as Internet, multimedia, and communicatio...
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    • By Admin / 26 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Basic Knowledge About GPON optical module

      Nowadays, with the continuous optimization and upgrading of optical fiber modules, PON (passive optical fiber network) has become an important way to carry broadband access network services. PON is divided into GPON and EPON. GPON can be said to be an upgraded version of EPON. This article, etu-l...
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    • By Admin / 25 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Optical module FEC function

      With the development of optical communication system with longer distance, larger capacity and higher speed, especially when the single wave rate evolves from 40g to 100g or even super 100g, chromatic dispersion, nonlinear effect, polarization mode dispersion and other transmission effects in opt...
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    • By Admin / 22 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      GPON FTTx function entity

      preface FTTH means fiber to the home and directly to user terminals. This is also the technology we have been pursuing and exploring for more than 20 years. Due to the continuous breakthroughs in cost, technology, demand and so on, this technology has been widely promoted and developed. At pres...
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