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    • By Admin / 21 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      GPON Network Architecture

      1) Preface: With the rapid emergence of various businesses, more and more industries realize that it is necessary to break through the “bottleneck” of bandwidth as soon as possible, and the optical fiber is by far the best transmission medium. Optical fiber has two advantages over the...
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    • By Admin / 20 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

       Abnormal reading of optical module information – check message Statistics

      The function of viewing message statistics: enter “show interface” in the command to view the wrong packets in and out of the port, and then make statistics to determine the growth of the volume, to judge the fault problem. 1) First, CEC, frame, and throttles error packets appear at t...
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    • By Admin / 19 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Troubleshooting for DDM abnormalities in optical modules

      When the interface of the installed optical module fails to work properly, you can troubleshoot the problem according to the following three methods: 1)Check the Alarm information of the optical module. Through the alarm information, if there is a problem with reception, it is generally caused by...
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    • By Admin / 18 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Optical Power Testing

      The value of the optical power will have the most intuitive and obvious influence on the signal during the transmission process, and this optical power is also the easiest to test. This value can be tested through the optical power. Optical power – use an optical power meter to test whether...
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    • By Admin / 16 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Testing the parameters of optical modules

      In using the use of optical modules, it is unavoidable to encounter a variety of problems. In order to reduce the problematic failure phenomenon, but also to protect the stability of the optical module through. There will exist different detection functions for optical modules. 1X9 module is main...
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    • By Admin / 15 Jul 22 / 0 Comments

      Optical Module Output Optical Power

      The output optical power (Output Power) refers to the average output optical power of the light source at the transmitting end of the optical module, also called the output optical power, which can be understood as the intensity of light. Formula: P(dBm)=10Log(P/1mW) The unit is W or mW or dBm. (...
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