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    • By Admin / 24 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      What are the fiber connection methods

      Optical fiber is an indispensable element in today’s network age, but do you really understand optical fiber? What are the fiber connection methods? What is the difference between optical cable and optical fiber? Is it possible for fiber to completely replace copper cables from outside What...
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    • By Admin / 20 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      How to connect fiber optic transceiver? What is the difference between single fiber / dual fiber transceivers?

      When weak current projects encounter long-distance transmission, fiber optics are often used. Because the transmission distance of optical fiber is very long, in general, the transmission distance of single-mode fiber is more than 10 kilometers, and the transmission distance of multi-mode fiber c...
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    • By Admin / 17 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      How is Combo PON compatible with GPON and XGPON?

      With the implementation of the “Broadband China” and “Speed-up and fee-reduction” strategies, China ’s fixed broadband network capabilities have been continuously improved; user broadband has changed from 10M and below to 50M / 100M / 200M, and has evolved towards Gigabit;...
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    • By Admin / 13 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      Evolution history of 2G to 5G optical communication modules

      Development of wireless optical communication modules: 5G networks, 25G / 100G optical modules are the trend In the beginning of 2000, 2G and 2.5G networks were under construction, and the base station connection began to cut from copper cables to optical cables. At first, 1.25G SFP optical modul...
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    • By Admin / 10 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      Regarding fiber broadband technology, this article is enough!

      Today, the Internet is an essential part of our daily lives. In fact, there are two main ways we use the Internet: one is through the mobile phone’s data service; the other, more generally, is through broadband at home or work. From a professional perspective, wireless access is wireless ac...
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    • By Admin / 07 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      How much do you know about fiber pigtails?

      The tail fiber (also known as the tail fiber, pigtail line). It has an adapter at one end and a broken end of a fiber optic cable core at the other end, which is connected to other fiber optic cable cores by welding. In other words, a jumper is cut into two sections from the center to become two...
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