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    • By Admin / 29 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      Optical Communication | PON Application Technology Introduction (2)

      Introduction of various PON systems 1. APON technology In the mid-1990s, some major network operators established the Full Service Access Network Alliance (FSAN), whose purpose is to formulate a unified standard for PON equipment so that equipment manufacturers and operators can enter the PON eq...
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    • By Admin / 26 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      Optical Communication | How Does PON Technology Solve Network Monitoring Transmission Bottlenecks?

      With the development of modern cities towards multi-functionalization, the urban layout is becoming more and more complex, and there are hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of ground monitoring points. To ensure that functional departments can grasp real-time, clear and high-quality video image...
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    • By Admin / 22 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      Optical communication | The key technology of 100G Ethernet, have you got it?

      Lead: 100G Ethernet from research to commercial, need to solve the key technologies of interface, packaging, transmission, key components, etc. The key technologies of the current 100G Ethernet interface include physical layer, channel convergence technology, multi-fiber channel and wave Sub-mult...
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    • By Admin / 19 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      Introduction to PON Technology

      1.Basic structure of PON PON (Passive Optical Network) PON is a single-fiber bidirectional optical access network using a point-to-multipoint (P2MP) structure. The PON system is composed of an optical line terminal (OLT), an optical distribution network (ODN), and an optical network unit (ONU) on...
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    • By Admin / 16 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      Basic concept of optical module

      1.Laser category A laser is the most central component of an optical module that injects current into a semiconductor material and emits laser light through photon oscillations and gains in the cavity. At present, the most commonly used lasers are FP and DFB lasers. The difference is that the sem...
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    • By Admin / 14 Nov 19 / 0 Comments

      The basic concept, composition and characteristics of optical fiber communication system

      Basic concept of optical fiber communication. An optical fiber is a dielectric optical waveguide, a waveguide structure that blocks light and propagates light in the axial direction. Very fine fiber made of quartz glass, synthetic resin, etc. Single mode fiber: core 8-10um, cladding 125um Multimo...
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