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    • By Admin / 29 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      The Concept of VLAN (Virtual LAN)

       We all know that on the same LAN, the hub connection will create a conflict domain. While under the switch, the conflict domain can be resolved, there will be a broadcast domain. In order to solve this broadcast domain, it is necessary to introduce routers to divide different LANs into different...
      The Concept of VLAN (Virtual LAN)
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    • By Admin / 28 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      LAN isolation

      In the process of network transmission, if all hubs are used. It is certain that in the transmission process, because too many signals need to be broadcast, the conflict domain will be generated. At this time, the communication between signals will be seriously disrupted, and the devices in the s...
      LAN isolation
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    • By Admin / 27 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      ONU’s LAN (local area network)

      What is a LAN? LAN means Local Area Network. A LAN represents a broadcast domain, which means that all members of the LAN will receive broadcast packets sent by any member. Members of the LAN can talk to each other and can set up their own ways for computers from different users to talk to each o...
      ONU’s LAN (local area network)
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    • By Admin / 26 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      WLAN Data Link Layer

      The data link layer of WLAN is used as the key layer for data transmission. To understand WLAN, you also need to know it in detail. Through the following explanations: In the protocol of IEEE 802.11, its MAC sublayer contains the media access mechanisms of DCF and PCF:  Meaning of DCF: Distribute...
      WLAN Data Link Layer
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    • By Admin / 25 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      WLAN physical layer PHY

      PHY, the physical layer of IEEE 802.11, has the following history of technology development and technical standards:   IEEE 802 (1997) Modulation technology: infrared transmission of FHSS and DSSS Operating frequency band: operating in the 2.4GHz frequency band (2.42.4835GHz, 83.5MHZ in tota...
      WLAN physical layer PHY
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    • By Admin / 24 Oct 22 / 0 Comments

      WLAN Terms

      There are many nouns involved in WLAN. If you need to deeply understand the knowledge points of WLAN, you need to make a full professional explanation of each knowledge point so that you can understand this content more easily in the future.  Station (STA, for short).  1). The station (point), al...
      WLAN Terms
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