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    • By Admin / 01 Sep 22 / 0 Comments

      IEEE 802.11b/IEEE 802.11g Protocols Explanations

      1. IEEE802.11b and IEEE802.11g are both used in the 2.4GHz frequency band. Let’s explain these two protocols in a continuous way so that we can understand the standards of different protocols. IEEE 802.11b is a standard for wireless local area networks. Its carrier frequency is 2.4GHz, and...
      IEEE 802.11b/IEEE 802.11g Protocols Explanations
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    • By Admin / 31 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      IEEE 802.11a 802.11a Standards Advantages and Disadvantages

      Learn more about IEEE 802.11a in the WiFi protocol, which is the first 5G band protocol. 1) Protocol interpretation: IEEE 802.11a is a revised standard of 802.11 and its original standard, which was approved in 1999. The core protocol of the 802.11a standard is the same as the original standard, ...
      IEEE 802.11a 802.11a Standards Advantages and Disadvantages
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    • By Admin / 30 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      List of IEEE 802.11 Standards

      For the IEEE802.11 protocol in WiFi, a large number of data queries are conducted, and the historical development is summarized as follows. The following summary is not a comprehensive and detailed record, but a description of the protocols currently used in the market. IEEE 802.11, established i...
      List of IEEE 802.11 Standards
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    • By Admin / 29 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      IEEE 802.11 protocol family members

      Since the Second World War, wireless communication has been given more attention because of its military application, which significantly improved the limitations of information transmission in the environment. Since then, wireless communication has been developing, but it lacks a wide range of c...
      IEEE 802.11 protocol family members
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    • By Admin / 26 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      Noise in The Channel

      An optical fibre is a wired channel for transmitting optical signals.  We call the unwanted electrical signals in the channel “noise The noise in the communication system is superimposed on the signal. When there is no transmission signal, there is also noise in the communication system. &#...
      Noise in The Channel
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    • By Admin / 25 Aug 22 / 0 Comments

      What is The Channel and Their Types [Explained]

      The channel is a communication device connecting the transmitting end and the receiving end, and its function is to transmit signals from the transmitting end to the receiving end. According to different transmission media, channels can be divided into two categories: wireless channels and wired ...
      What is The Channel and Their Types [Explained]
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