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    • By Admin / 26 Sep 21 / 0 Comments

      Difference between single-mode SFP module and multi-mode SFP module

      An optical module consists of a photoelectronic component, a functional circuit, and an optical interface. A photoelectronic component consists of transmitting and receiving parts. To put it simply, the function of optical module is photoelectric conversion. The sending end converts electrical si...
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    • By Admin / 20 Aug 21 / 0 Comments

      Basic principles of WDM PON

      WDM PON is a point-to-point passive optical network using wavelength division multiplexing technology. That is, in the same fiber, the number of wavelengths used in both directions is more than 3, and the use of wavelength division multiplexing technology to achieve uplink access can provide grea...
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    • By Admin / 13 Aug 21 / 0 Comments

      Introduction of EPON technology and test challenges faced

      The EPON system consists of multiple optical network units (ONU), an optical line terminal (OLT), and one or more optical networks (see Figure 1). In the extension direction, the signal sent by the OLT is broadcast to all ONUs. 8h Modify the frame format, redefine the front part, and add the time...
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    • By Admin / 06 Aug 21 / 0 Comments

      Classification of fiber optic sensors

      Fiber Optic Sensor The fiber optic sensor is composed of a light source, an incident fiber, an exit fiber, a light modulator, a light detector, and a demodulator. The basic principle is to send the light of the light source to the modulation area through the incident fiber, and the light interact...
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    • By Admin / 29 Jul 21 / 0 Comments

      Introduction of optical fiber transceiver network management function

      Network management is the guarantee of network reliability and a way to improve network efficiency. The operation, management and maintenance functions of the network management can greatly increase the available time of the network, and improve the utilization rate, network performance, service ...
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    • By Admin / 23 Jul 21 / 0 Comments

      EPON test related technology

      1 Introduction With the rapid development of broadband access technology, various emerging broadband access technologies have emerged after the rain. After the PON technology is DSL technology and cable technology, another ideal access platform, PON can directly provide optical services or FTTH s...
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