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    Domestic News


    • By Admin / 04 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      March New Trade Festival achieves “Extreme Excitement and Precision”

      The slogan of  HDV at the New Trade Festival: Extreme-Every quality detail is taken seriously and every order is served to the extreme; Excitement-wholeheartedly deal only for customers, and cheer for every self-growth; Accurate-precise matching, precise transaction, and accurate service. Backgr...
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    • By Admin / 29 Feb 20 / 0 Comments

      Encyclopedia of Optical Fiber Transmission

      Advantages of fiber optic communication: ● Large communication capacity ● Long relay distance ● No electromagnetic interference ● Rich resources ● Light weight and small size A Brief History of Optical Communications More than 2000 years ago, the beacon-lights, semaphores 1880, optical telephone-...
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    • By Admin / 28 Feb 20 / 0 Comments

      Work overtime and work together to promote production

      In order to meet the customer’s order requirements, all the employees of HDV worked overtime to catch up with the schedule, and there was a busy scene in the workshop. Let’s walk into the production workshop and feel the positive signals from the production line. “Hurry up and s...
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    • By Admin / 19 Feb 20 / 0 Comments

      One article to understand: the most complete circuit test process

      When a circuit board is soldered, it is usually not to directly supply power to the circuit board when checking whether the circuit board can work normally. Instead, follow the steps below to ensure that there is no problem in each step and then power on is not too late. Whether the connection is...
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    • By Admin / 17 Feb 20 / 0 Comments

      Work Adjustment Notice

      Affected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, The government of [Guangdong] province activates first-level public health emergency response. The WHO announced that it has constituted a public health emergency of international concern, and many foreign trade enterprises have been affected ...
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    • By Admin / 16 Jan 20 / 0 Comments

      HDV Year-end End Party 2019

      Spring goes to autumn and back to another plant, like the current years are booming. Say goodbye to the unforgettable 2019, ushering in a brand new 2020. On January 11, 2020, HDV Photoelectron Technology Ltd’s 2019 year-end party was held on the 3rd floor of Shajing Firewood Hotel. The conf...
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