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    • By Admin / 18 May 22 / 0 Comments

      FTTR All-optical WiFi

      First, before introducing FTTR, we simply understand what FTTx is. FTTx is the abbreviation for "Fiber To The x" for "fiber to x", where x not only represents the site where the fiber arrives, but also includes the optical network device installed at the site and identif...
      FTTR All-optical WiFi
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    • By Admin / 12 May 22 / 0 Comments

      The type of terminal where fixed network users access the Internet

      ONU: full name Optical Network Unit, optical network unit, commonly known as ONU, using PON passive optical fiber access technology, transmission medium for optical fiber, is a large-scale mainstream access mode of global telecom operators, with the advantages of low cos...
      The type of terminal where fixed network users access the Internet
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    • By Admin / 11 May 22 / 0 Comments

      Brief introduction to PON network architecture

      You may not know what “PON” is (usually read as “pang”), but you must have heard of “fiber to the home”. You may not know what “ONU” is (usually read “ONU“), but when you open the weak electricity box in your home, you must see a “...
      Brief introduction to PON network architecture
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    • By Admin / 09 May 22 / 0 Comments

      The Multi-function ONU

      With the rapid development of science and technology, FTTH (Fiber To The Home) technology is widely spread, with China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom three operators of communication network has completed the large-scale mature deployment, and as the ONU (optical modem) has become a necessar...
      The Multi-function ONU
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    • By Admin / 06 May 22 / 0 Comments

      A 2.4G WiFi Protocol Standard

      2.4G WiFi operates in the 2.4GHz band with an operating frequency range of 2400~2483.5MHz.The main standard followed is the IEEE802.11b/g/n standard set by IEEE (Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).Here are these criteria in detail: IEEE802.11 is a wireless LAN standard original...
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    • By Admin / 20 Apr 22 / 0 Comments

      Basic troubleshooting of ONU (optical network unit)

      Introduction: ONU (Optical Network Unit) is divided into active optical network unit and passive optical network unit, ONU is the user terminal device in the optical network, placed on the user end, used with OLT to achieve Ethernet Layer 2, Layer 3 functions, to provide users with voice, data an...
      Basic troubleshooting of ONU (optical network unit)
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