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    • By Admin / 16 Oct 20 / 0 Comments

      The difference between optical transceiver, optical fiber transceiver and optical modem

      Nowadays, in the current network communication projects, optical transceivers, optical fiber transceivers, and optical modems can be said to be widely used and highly respected by security personnel. So, are you aware of the difference between these three Clear? Optical modem is a kind of equipme...
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    • By Admin / 12 Oct 20 / 0 Comments

      What is the difference between single-mode single-fiber and single-mode dual-fiber optical transceivers?

      Optical fiber transceiver is an Ethernet transmission media conversion unit that exchanges short-distance twisted pair electrical signals and long-distance optical signals. According to its needs, it is mainly divided into single-fiber optical transceivers and dual-fiber optical transceivers.Next...
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    • By Admin / 29 Sep 20 / 0 Comments

      Learn about fiber, single-mode fiber, and multi-mode fiber in one minute

      The basic structure of optical fiber The bare fiber of optical fiber is usually divided into three layers: core, cladding and coating. The fiber core and cladding are composed of glass with different refractive indexes, the center is a high refractive index glass core (germanium-doped silica), a...
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    • By Admin / 23 Sep 20 / 0 Comments

      Application and difference between EPON and GPON

      1.PON Introduction (1) What is PON PON (passive optical network) technology (including EPON, GPON) is the main implementation technology for the development of FTTx (fiber to the home). It can save backbone fiber resources and network levels, and can provide two-way high bandwidth capabilities ...
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    • By Admin / 19 Sep 20 / 0 Comments

      Summary of optical fiber transceiver purchase strategy and fault maintenance method

      The use of optical fiber transceivers in weak current projects is very common, so how do we choose optical fiber transceivers in engineering projects? When the fiber optic transceiver fails, how to maintain it? 1.What is a fiber optic transceiver? The optical fiber transceiver is also called a ph...
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    • By Admin / 15 Sep 20 / 0 Comments

      What is a network powered PoE switch?

      Before understanding PoE switches, we must first understand what PoE is. PoE is a power supply over Ethernet technology. It is a method of remotely supplying power to connected network devices (such as Wireless LAN AP, IP Phone, Bluetooth AP, IP Camera, etc.) on a standard Ethernet data cable, el...
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