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    • By Admin / 28 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      What are active (AON) and passive (PON) optical networks?

      What is AON? AON is an active optical network, mainly adopts a point-to-point (PTP) network architecture, and each user can have a dedicated optical fiber line. Active optical network refers to the deployment of routers, switching aggregators, active optical equipment and other switching equipmen...
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    • By Admin / 23 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      The working principle and application of optical module in optical transmission

      In the field of communication, electrical interconnection transmission of metal wires is greatly restricted due to factors such as electromagnetic interference, inter-code crosstalk and loss, and wiring costs. As a result, optical transmission was born. Optical transmission has the advantages of ...
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    • By Admin / 21 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      Introduction and application of EPON optical module and GPON optical module

      PON refers to a passive optical fiber network, which is an important way for broadband access network services to be carried. PON technology originated in 1995. Later, according to the difference between the data link layer and the physical layer, PON technology was gradually subdivided into APON...
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    • By Admin / 17 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      What is optical fiber? Characteristics and classification of optical fiber

      Optical fiber transmits signals in the form of light pulses, and uses glass or plexiglass as the network transmission medium. It consists of fiber core, cladding and protective cover. Optical fiber can be divided into Single Mode fiber and Multiple Mode fiber. Single-mode optical fiber only prov...
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    • By Admin / 14 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      Quickly understand FTTx FTTC FTTB FTTH

      What is FTTx? FTTx is “Fiber To The x” and is the general term for fiber access in fiber optic communications. x represents the destination of the fiber line. Such as x = H (Fiber to the Home), x = O (Fiber to the Office), x = B (Fiber to the Building). FTTx technology ranges from the...
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    • By Admin / 10 Jul 20 / 0 Comments

      Can SFP optical modules be used in SFP+ slots?

      SFP optical modules can be inserted into SFP+ ports in most cases. Although the specific switch model is uncertain, according to experience, SFP optical modules can operate in SFP+ slots, but SFP+ optical modules cannot operate in SFP slots. When you insert an SFP module in the SFP+ port, the spe...
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