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    • By Admin / 08 Apr 20 / 0 Comments

      What is the difference between single-mode and multimode fiber?

      Optical fiber is a flexible transparent fiber made of extruded glass or plastic, which is slightly thicker than human hair. Optical fiber is the most commonly used method for transmitting light at both ends, and is widely used in optical fiber communication. Optical fiber has a longer transmissio...
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    • By Admin / 03 Apr 20 / 0 Comments

      Common knowledge of weak electrical systems such as optical fibers, optical modules, optical interfaces, and optical jumpers

      Optical switches commonly used in Ethernet switches include SFP, GBIC, XFP, and XENPAK. Their full English names: SFP: Small Form-factorPluggabletransceiver, small form factor pluggable transceiver GBIC: GigaBit InterfaceConverter, Gigabit Ethernet Interface Converter XFP: 10-Gigabit smallForm-fa...
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    • By Admin / 01 Apr 20 / 0 Comments

      Analysis of common problems in fiber testing

      The following sections provide detailed analysis of common problems in fiber testing. (1) Why does the fiber test pass but the packet is still lost during network operation? In the choice of standard, many users will make some obvious mistakes, such as paying little attention to whether the teste...
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    • By Admin / 27 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      The picture illustrates what is fiber? Classification of optical fibers?

      1.optical fiber core structure 1) Core: high refractive index, used to transmit light; 2) Cladding: low refractive index, forming a total reflection condition with the core; 3) Protective layer: protects the optical fiber. 2.Single-mode and multi-mode Only one mode of light can be transmitted....
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    • By Admin / 24 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      What are the fiber connection methods

      Optical fiber is an indispensable element in today’s network age, but do you really understand optical fiber? What are the fiber connection methods? What is the difference between optical cable and optical fiber? Is it possible for fiber to completely replace copper cables from outside What...
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    • By Admin / 20 Mar 20 / 0 Comments

      How to connect fiber optic transceiver? What is the difference between single fiber / dual fiber transceivers?

      When weak current projects encounter long-distance transmission, fiber optics are often used. Because the transmission distance of optical fiber is very long, in general, the transmission distance of single-mode fiber is more than 10 kilometers, and the transmission distance of multi-mode fiber c...
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