Na optical fiber e ka fetola thapo ea marang-rang? Fibre ea optical ke mofuta oa fiber ea khalase ea optical, e fetisang matšoao a optical mme e ke ke ea hokahanngoa ka kotloloho le thapo ea marang-rang. E hloka ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa phetoho ea photoelectric ho fetolela matšoao a optical hore e be matšoao a marang-rang. Lisebelisoa tse tloaelehileng tsa ho fetola photoelectric li kenyelletsa malapalisebelisoa tsa optical fiber cat, optical fiber transceiver le Optical switch.
1.Home fiber optic modem thepa
Fiber optic modemli boetse li bitsoa fiber optic modem. Mosebetsi oa eona o ka sehloohong ke ho etsa phetoho ea matšoao. Ke sesebelisoa sa relay se sebelisetsoang phetiso ea marang-rang."Fiber optic modem" hangata e sebelisoa bakeng sa sebaka sa phetisetso se fetang 20KM le lebelo le fetang 2M. Lisebelisoa tsa phetisetso ea mahlo tse kang SDH / PDH lia hlokahala bohareng. Tabeng ea phetisetso, ho sebelisoa modem ea optical, eo haholo-holo e kenngoa lipheletsong tse peli tsa optical fiber mme e fetola data e fetisitsoeng pakeng tsa matšoao a motlakase le matšoao a optical. Ha optical broadband e kenngoa ka tlung, li-modem tsa optical li sebelisoa ho fetola matšoao e le hore lik'homphieutha le lisebelisoa tse ling li ka lemoha matšoao ana. Hona joale li-modem tsa optical li hokahanya lifono, lithelevishene, li-broadband,li-routersle ho kena Inthaneteng ka waelese.
2.Optical fiber transceiver
Transceiver ea fiber ea opticke mofuta oa thepa ea ho fetola photoelectric e fapanyetsanang sebaka se sekhuts'oane sa mats'oao a motlakase a sothehileng le mats'oao a mahlo a malelele. Letšoao la optical le kenngoa ho tloha ho optical port mme letšoao la motlakase le hlahisoa ho tloha koung ea motlakase (RJ45 crystal head interface). Ts'ebetso ke ho fetolela matšoao a motlakase hore e be matšoao a optical le ho a fetisa ka likhoele tsa optical. Ka lehlakoreng le leng, lipontšo tsa optical li fetoloa lipontšo tsa motlakase, ebe li kopantsoe leli-routers, li-switchesle lisebelisoa tse ling.
Ho ea ka sebaka sa phetisetso, li ka aroloa ka li-transceivers tsa mode e le 'ngoe le li-multi-mode. ① Transceiver optical fiber ea mofuta o le mong: sebaka sa phetisetso se pakeng tsa lik'hilomithara tse 20 ho isa ho tse 120; ②Multi-mode optical fiber transceiver: sebaka sa phetisetso se pakeng tsa 2 kilometers le 5 kilometers.
Ts'ebetsong ea phetisetso, li-transceivers tsa fiber optic li tlameha ho sebelisoa ka bobeli, tse loketseng bohole bo fetang limithara tse 100, leseli le leng le le leng la sesupo le emela moelelo o fapaneng, 1000-ha le bulehile, le emela sekhahla sa 1000M, 100-ha se bulehile, se emela. 100M sekhahla; FX- Ha e sebetsa, e bolela hore pigtail e hokahane, 'me ha e benya, e bolela hore data e ntse e fetisoa;FX LINK/ACT-ha e butsoe, ho bolela hore thapo ea marang-rang e hokahane,' me ha e a benya, e bolela hore data e ntse e fetisoa; ha e bulehile, ho bolela hore thapo ea matla e hokahane; TX LINK/ACT— -Ha e bulehile, e emela sekhahla se felletseng sa duplex, 'me ha e tima, e emela halofo ea duplex.
3.Motlakase oa lifotoswitjha
Optical switjhake mofuta oa lisebelisoa tsa phetiso ea marang-rang. Phapang pakeng tsa eona le e tloaelehilengswitjhake hore e sebelisa fiber optic cable e le mokhoa oa ho fetisetsa.E sebelisa mocha oa fiber o nang le tekanyo e phahameng ea phetisetso ho hokahanya le marang-rang a seva kapa marang-rang a SAN a ka hare ho etsa hore marang-rang a be le bandwidth e kholo haholo, kahoo lebelo la phetisetso le potlakile ebile matla a ho thibela ho kena-kenana le matla a matla.
Ho na le 2 optical 2 motlakase, 4 optical 2 motlakase, 8 optical 2 motlakase le tse ling tsa motlakase oa 4 optical 2 motlakase e bolela 4 optical fiber input ports le 2 RJ45 network port output, e ka tšehetsang marang-rang a 100M le Gigabit, a loketseng likhoebo tse kholo Transple optical fiber transmission.